The idea to solve this problem came from my own experiences on winter sports trips. I have experienced most of the problems depicted after snowboarding for almost 15 years now. This project gave me a platform to solve a problem I have first hand experience in. I came up with the design challenge: “How can an interactive product help make winter sports enthousiasts exited about exploring while competing and sharing their activities with each other.”
Traverse is a winter sports application for snowboarders and skiers based on gamification. The snowboarders and skiers will be able to use this application before, during and after skiing trips to not only have insights on their performance, but also compete with each other for points and achievements and make and share memories with friends and family. The user has a number of features at his disposal, a 3D map, activity tracking, making trips and more. The challenge was definitely solved as the target group responded very enthusiastic.
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Een heel goed concept zou uitgewerkt moeten worden